By Monisha Dajee


Basil seeds have a long history of use in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. They also go by many other names, including sabja, tukmaria and falooda seeds. 

Basil seeds have long been used in drinks in India and Southeast Asia. For those who have never consumed the seeds of this powerful plant, I wanted to share a remedy that has naturally always been part of my upbringing. Whenever we were sick, my Mum always had a remedy she learned from her mother to help us feel better. When someone had a migraine or high blood pressure, she would put a few teaspoons of basil seeds to soak in a cup of warm water. Within a few minutes the seeds would swell up and become gelatinous, resembling little frog spawn. Sometimes children do not particularly like herbal remedies, but this is one we were always excited to drink, especially in the scorching heat of summer months. Tukmaria seeds have high coolant properties. They absorb the body heat and cool down the system. It also does wonders for acidity and heartburns. Most recently I have discovered that it has significantly helped calm my bursts of rosacea and soothe my eczema and psoriasis.

This was a remedy we never questioned the science behind, simply because the majority of the time, it worked! However with the scientific evidence to back it up, recent research has shown basil seeds can help improve numerous conditions, and as such can be considered as one of the strongest plant allies we have.

The seeds are packed with fibrous goodness, rich in plant-based omega-3 fat and plentiful in beneficial plant compounds, including flavonoids and other polyphenols. Properties also include lowering the cholesterol level, reducing the risk of coronary artery disease, heart attacks and strokes.They work as a natural detox for the body and are loaded with antioxidant-rich ingredients and offer protection against free radical damage.

Tukmaria seeds are a great alternative to Chia Seeds. Basil seeds are a little larger than chia seeds but have a similar nutritional profile. My personal preference are basil seeds as they swell quicker. However unlike Chia seeds they are not usually eaten dry and require soaking before adding to food and drink.

There is absolutely no way to fully encompass the versatility of this powerful herb in this one caption. However it’s a little family remedy I am grateful to have been acquainted with in this generation, and I will be sure to pass on the knowledge of this healing magick onto next.

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Moni Dajee, founder of The London Alchemists - artist, creator, explorer, beekeeper and avid practitioner of natural alchemy.
PEOPLE planet pollinators




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